Legal Notice
According to the law of confidence as regards digital economy, the users of Parc Valrose site have to know all information about the companies responsible of the conception of this website:
The website belongs to P4MR 2794 Route de Saint Honoré 83250 LA LONDE LES MAURES
Société à Responsabilité Limitée au capital de 10 000 euros registered under the N° 751 446 469
Numéro de Siret 75144646900015 Numéro APE : 5530Z
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : FR 55 751 446 469
RC : 2012 B 00861
The responsible of the editorial content is Le Camping Valrose (SARL P4MR) - Tél. : 04 94 66 81 36
The realization of the website was made by the Company Intech6tem which ensures its technical functioning
The website is hosted in the datacenter of UK2 in London by the Company intech6tem
located Lot. 11 RD 88 Z.A. le bas jasson - 83250 La Londe Les Maures – Tél. : 09 54 57 77 39